Steve Andrews

On Demand

About Me

I am a creative director with a penchant for breaking rules. After all, if we do the same thing over and over how do we expect different results? Blending the power of images, words, and sound, I've found ways to position brands and individuals at the top of the field and reach new and existing audiences far beyond what traditional channels can provide.

My values

I value doing things far differently than others, after all, how do you stand out? But beyond that, I want to see the world better and will only work with brands and individuals who look to make a positive change .

My Team

I roll with a group of people who have been pushing boundaries through their careers. We are a team of outdoor adventure lovers who seek to do what others view impossible, showing the world that it's possible to march to a different drum beat. At the same time, we know how to accomplish goals and adjust along the process to ensure success, no matter how simple or lofty the goals may be.

The process



The written word acts as a conduit for ideas, and is still the best way to get inside someone's mind


Good imagery is the hallmark of distilling ideas into instant recognition.

Sound Production

The audio medium has the ability to dive into topics at greater detail, allowing for greater understanding.


Everything needs to be visually appealing, so blending the various mediums into a cohesive unit is of the highest priority.

Take it to the next level



Figuring it all out

We work together to come up with a bold strategy that will attract a new audience, nurture your existing one, and leave the competition wondering what happened.
a camera crew on a dolly while filming a production in vancouver, british columbia


Schedule a consultation

A full-scale production plan from start to finish. Bring your creative idea to life using unconventional means, and stand out like never before.


Customized plans based on budget

If you have a team that needs the right nudge, or someone to make sure the projects are completed, I will help you navigate the media landscape to deliver the best creative package possible.
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