Steve Andrews – About Me

How the hell did I get to this point?

Steve Andrews looking over a scenic mountain viewpoint for his about me page.

I have been crafting stories for over 20 years.

No two people have had the same life experience. Mine has been full of some interesting twists and turns all in all motivated by my passions of nature, moving fast, and telling a good story.

I’ve been recruited to write a travel guide for Kauai, documented a world record ice core haul for a month at 5200m above sea level in the Yukon, helped kids in group homes learn how to snowboard in Lake Tahoe, interviewed dozens of legendary characters in action sports, and strategized multimillion dollar content campaigns for the British Columbia Government. And that’s just a bit.

Each experience has helped me to be someone who really challenges the norm and finds new ways to relate to others. And it’s never been by the book. This has allowed me to have my work be an accessory to my life, but not consume my life.

I will… and I wont…

I will put all my energy and skill into working with you.
I will draw on my network to find the best people to work with.
I will challenge the way you and your audience thinks.
I won’t be a YES person, unless it’s a F#%* YES scenario.
I won’t sacrifice my values for money.
I won’t tell you what you want to hear if it’s a bad idea.

Core Values

Embodying Integrity, Creativity, and Impact


I prioritize honesty, transparency, and ethical practices in all of my creative endeavors, fostering trust and authenticity in relationships.


Innovation and originality drive my work, pushing boundaries and exploring new avenues to craft captivating stories that inspire and provoke emotions.


I am committed to leveraging my talents for positive change, striving to amplify voices, promote inclusivity, and spark meaningful conversations through diverse storytelling mediums.

Get in touch

Connect to explore collaboration opportunities, share your story, and use creativity to enact positive change in the world.

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